University Students and Teachers’ Experiences with Distance Education in Uzbekistan
distance education, self-efficacy, TPACK, learning management system, mixed-methods researchAbstract
This study has examined the experiences of students and teachers with distance education in Uzbekistan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Distance education is a new field in Uzbekistan, and evidence-based practices should be examined for its successful implementation. A convergent mixed-methods design was used, employing surveys and focus group interviews. The survey data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, and the focus group interview data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The results revealed that students and faculty had both positive and negative experiences with distance education, but also suggested that teachers were more self-efficacious in teaching online rather than students learning online. This exploratory study indicates that students need targeted instruction and support on studying online and self-regulate their learning. Teachers should participate in intensive professional learning workshops on materials design and pedagogical practices in online classes. Practical applications and ideas for future research are discussed.
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