Identity branding using knowledge management through the provision of scientific forums




Branding, Knowledge Management, Scientific Forums, Models, universities in West Java


This study aims to look at the implementation model of knowledge management (knowledge management) through the provision of scientific forums in private universities in West Java and its relationship with identity branding activities. Quantitative research using the meta-analysis method is used in this study. A total of 40 private universities in West Java were selected as samples. The results show that 40% of universities have national and international scientific forums, and 60% have national scientific conferences that have not been actively managed. Universities that have scientific forums and are actively managed so that the general public can access them as part of knowledge sharing are only around 20%. The absence of an ideal model that can be used as a reference in implementing knowledge management, and there are still some obstacles to implementing knowledge management at private universities in West Java. There is a direct relationship between implementing knowledge management through the provision of scientific forums and identity branding activities carried out by some private universities in West Java.

Author Biographies

Umi Narimawati, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Accounting Departement

Syahrul Mauluddin, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Information System Department

Dadang Munandar

Accounting Departement


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How to Cite

Narimawati, U., Mauluddin, S., Munandar, D., & Liu, R. (2023). Identity branding using knowledge management through the provision of scientific forums. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 10(1), 145–151.

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