Opportunities and challenges for using artificial intelligence in academic continuity: Case of Georgia





EdTech,, Business continuity, Artificial Intelligence, Education


This article examined how higher education institutions in the Republic of Georgia responded to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on the context of the digital revolution and centering upon the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI), it aimed to discern how these institutions sustained the continuity of the learning process and implemented innovative measures. Based on the research findings, the solutions proposed in this article present AI tools for personalized learning, adaptive assessment, and intelligent tutoring. As institutions navigated the post-pandemic era, the integration of AI into education proved viable. This research provided tangible insights into the digital revolution affecting education and informing strategic decision-making in Georgia's evolving higher education landscape. Recognizing the difficulties caused by the pandemic and the inherent challenges associated with strategic decision-making, a qualitative research approach was used to gain nuanced insights. It relied on in-depth interviews, recognizing the spontaneous and time-sensitive nature of strategic decisions made by universities during the pandemic, often precluding extensive pre-planning. The authors provided critical findings in terms of the pros and cons of distance learning and proposed AI solutions for each challenge that Universities faced during and after this significant disruption, giving real successful examples.

Author Biographies

Maia Noniashvili, Business and Technology Univesity, Tbilisi, Georgia

Maia Noniashvili, PhD, Professor in Management, is Chancellor at Business and Technology University, Tbilisi, Georgia, and Operations Manager at Webster University Campus in Georgia. Her career is full of academic and professional achievements. During 15 years of her practical and academic work in higher education, she has authored ten publications.  Her research interests now are EdTech and any field connected with education digitalization and quality enhancement. She is head of the Master's program of “Business Administration and Modern Technologies.”

Lela Matchavariani, Business and Technology University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Lela Matchavariani, MBA, is the chief operations manager at K Group, Tbilisi, Georgia, and training manager at Electronic Academy. Her career is full of different experiences in the management field. Her research interest now is using AI tools in learning and working in any field connected with education and job environment digitalization.


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How to Cite

Noniashvili, M., & Matchavariani, L. (2024). Opportunities and challenges for using artificial intelligence in academic continuity: Case of Georgia. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 11(4), 813–827. https://doi.org/10.15549/jeecar.v11i4.1817