Urban identity as a factor in increasing the urbanization efficiency in China


  • Hanbing Li Management and Science University
  • Zhitao Wang School of Management, Henan University of Technology
  • Brian Sheng-Xian Teo International Academic Affairs Department in Management and Science University
  • Siti Khalidah Md Yusoff Management and Science University https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1614-1820




urban identity, rural migrants, China, urbanization, rural areas


The urban identity of the migrant population in the citizenship process is a key factor in determining whether they are willing to stay in the city. This paper examines the relationship between identity and the willingness of rural migrants to stay using the Data of China Migrants Dynamic Survey. The results show a significant positive correlation between the urban identity of the agricultural transfer population and their willingness to stay, and the urban identity can increases the probability of their stay. A moderating variable, the improvement of personal skill level, however, increases the probability of rural migrants returning to their hometowns. Based on the above findings, we suggest improving the urban identity of rural migrants to promote the two-way flow of labor between urban and rural areas, which will help narrow the urban-rural gap further and promote the equalization of urban-rural identity in China.


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How to Cite

Li, H., Wang , Z. ., Sheng-Xian Teo , B. ., & Khalidah Md Yusoff , S. . (2022). Urban identity as a factor in increasing the urbanization efficiency in China. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 9(4), 581–592. https://doi.org/10.15549/jeecar.v9i4.1037