Digital Promotion of Local Tourist Destinations in the New Normal Era and Its Effect on the Economy in Indonesia




Digital Promotion, Local Tourist Destinations, New Normal Era


This study aims to analyze the Digital Promotion of Local Tourist Destinations in the New Normal Era and Its Effect on the Economy in Indonesia. The research uses a case study method and data collection through in-depth interviews and online observations. Informants were determined by purposive sampling technique consisting of the government, the community, and tourism communication experts. The results show that the promotion objective is to maximize tourism potential and economic recovery through the tourism sector. Marketing targets include mapping four perspectives. Design messages and media containing travel invitations using health protocols (maintaining distance, wearing masks, washing hands, limiting interactions, staying away from crowds) and messages with CHSE standards (Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environment Sustainability). Promotional mix carried out by advertising and Public Relations. The evaluation includes the evaluation of health protocols through focus group discussions. In conclusion, the digital promotion of local tourist destinations has been maximal but flexible by looking at every development of the pandemic condition—the impact of this research for policy considerations to revive the tourism industry and the economy.


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How to Cite

Purwaningwulan, M. M., & Ramdan, T. D. (2022). Digital Promotion of Local Tourist Destinations in the New Normal Era and Its Effect on the Economy in Indonesia. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 9(1), 29–40.