The Promotion Implementation of the Culture and Tourism Department of Indonesia on the Open Pit Nam Salu Geosit Tourism Object
Promotion, Culture, TourismAbstract
The purpose of the study was to determine the implementation of the promotion of the Department of Culture and Tourism of East Belitung Regency at the Open Pit Nam Salu Geosit tourist attraction. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach, using descriptive methods, data collection techniques using literature review, and field studies consisting of observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that various promotions had been carried out. Other promotional activities include sales promotions by launching tour package events in collaboration with the Communication and Informatics Office, Education Office, Industry and Trade Cooperative Office in charge of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in East Belitung Regency, as well as local and national media. The promotion was carried out because the target public of the Open Pit Nam Salu Geosit tourist attraction varied from social, economic, and age backgrounds. The promotion's impact and usefulness are that more and more people know about the Open Pit Nam Salu Geosit tourist attraction, so they are interested in visiting it, making tourist attraction more popular. Research advice is to pay attention to places that sell billboards. For example, by placing them in the middle of the city that the public easily sees them.
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