Mentality management: Mentality formation and strategy development


  • Dr. Liliia Voinycha Lviv National Agrarian University
  • Dr. Roman Popivniak Lviv National Agrarian University



mentality management, strategy development, perception of corruption, standard of living


The goal of this article is to analyze problems relating to the mindset of the Ukrainian people as it pertains to Ukraine’s integration into the European Union.  Several different methods were used in this analysis. Comparative analysis identified similarities and differences between the peoples of the European Union and Ukraine. Also, an abstract-logical method was used to define the main problems relating to state support for democracy in Ukraine. Finally, a statistical-economic method was used to identify the existence and closeness of the connection between the standard of living and the perpetuation of corruption in Ukraine. The work analyses the principal directions and problems of mentality management for the people of Ukraine and finds that the strategy development for the Ukrainian personality should be focused not only on the self-improvement of each individual but also on developing practical recommendations for strengthening the democratic foundations of Ukrainian society.


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How to Cite

Voinycha, L., & Popivniak, R. (2020). Mentality management: Mentality formation and strategy development. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 7(2), 230–237.