Healthy lifestyle and behavior of Z Generation


  • Dr. Andrea Bencsik Szechenyi Istvan University in Hungary and J.Selye University in Slovakia
  • Ms. Gabriella Horvath-Csikos Szent Istvan University, Godollo
  • Dr. Timea Juhasz Budapest Business School, Zalaegerszeg
  • Dr. Agnes Csanadi Budapest Business School, Zalaegerszeg



Eastern Europe, awareness, health, higher education students, lifestyle, mental and physical development


Human capital and its development are the key elements of a knowledge-based economy. The basic pillars for this development are the healthy mental and physical development, teaching, and education of youth.  A good question to ask is to what extent the young are aware of the important features of lifestyle, which will make it possible for them in the future to become active and valuable participants in the labour market. This investigation started within the framework of the project TAMOP 4.2.2D-15/1/KONV, or ‘Medic-Network.' In the framework of that project, the authors have studied the health-consciousness of Hungarians and Slovakians studying in higher education using quantitative methods and web-based questionnaires. Research results show that, in the examined sample, health-consciousness - the approach to protecting health and the preferences of you from the two countries - is different. The health programs of both countries must be developed to reach a well-prepared Z generation and help build a successful society and economy.

Author Biographies

Dr. Andrea Bencsik, Szechenyi Istvan University in Hungary and J.Selye University in Slovakia

Dr. Andrea Bencsik is a Professor at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Communication, Szechenyi Istvan University, Gyor, Hungary and at the Department of Management, J. Selye University, Komarno, Slovakia. ORCID 0000-0001-8204-3706

Ms. Gabriella Horvath-Csikos, Szent Istvan University, Godollo

Gabriella Horvath-Csikos is a Ph.D. student at the Szent Istvan University, Godollo, Hungary.

Dr. Timea Juhasz, Budapest Business School, Zalaegerszeg

Dr. Timea Juhasz is a senior research fellow, Budapest Business School, Budapest, Hungary.

Dr. Agnes Csanadi, Budapest Business School, Zalaegerszeg

Dr. Agnes Csanadi is an associate professor at the Department of Public Service, Budapest Business School, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary.


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How to Cite

Bencsik, A., Horvath-Csikos, G., Juhasz, T., & Csanadi, A. (2019). Healthy lifestyle and behavior of Z Generation. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 6(2), 297–308.