A review of railway transportation in Central Asia for corridors and the revival of the Great Silk Road





Central Asian region, New Silk Road strategy, railway corridor


This review examines the state of railway transportation in Central Asia within the context of the Silk Road initiative, tracing its origins from the United States' New Silk Road strategy. Despite recent setbacks, the Silk Route has become a crucial geopolitical tool for military, political, and economic interests, with corridors like Kazakhstan's Terminal and the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan-Afghanistan route identified for potential revitalization. Uzbekistan, particularly in the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan corridor, emerges as pivotal for advancing the Silk Road initiative. A comprehensive analysis of data collection methodologies employed in studying these corridors is also included to ensure the reliability and validity of the findings. Employing a multifaceted methodology, including quantitative analysis of infrastructure metrics, case studies of specific projects, a literature review synthesizing existing knowledge, and comparative analysis drawing parallels and contrasts, this study explores opportunities and challenges in enhancing these corridors, aiming to contribute to the broader strategy's rejuvenation in Central Asia. By analyzing current conditions and proposing improvements, the research seeks to optimize railway transport, aligning with the Silk Road's historical significance in the contemporary geopolitical landscape.

Author Biographies

Ziyoda Mukhamedova, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan

Ziyoda Mukhamedova is a research professor at Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Ziyoda specializes in railway transport, logistics, and the development of technologies for the transportation of goods by rail. She has developed various tools and technologies for organizing cargo transportation. She is the head of the state-applied grant in Uzbekistan. In 2023, she worked as an expert on the development of transportation corridors at the Asian Development Bank, Uzbekistan. She also developed two instructions for extending the service life of rail service cars in Uzbekistan. Since 2017, she has authored more than 50 internationally peer-reviewed scientific papers and has presented more than 60 papers at international conferences, including many keynote speeches.

Dilbar Mukhamedova, National university of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan

Professor Dilbar Mukhamedova is the head of the Department of Psychology at the National University of Uzbekistan and specializes in the psychology of management, social psychology, and the study of issues of the psychology of human resources in management. She is the author of 5 textbooks and, four manuals, two monographs and has published more than 75 scientific articles. Her research is aimed at studying current issues of psychological characteristics of personnel training and processes in the organization of professional activities.

Gоvhar Fuzailova, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan

Associate Professor Gavkhar Fuzailova is a lecturer at the Psychology of Religion and Pedagogy Department of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan and specializes in the methodology of teaching humanities, the study of modernization of contemporary education, and the improvement of pedagogical activity. She is the author of 4 textbooks and eight manuals and has published more than 60 scientific articles. Her research is aimed at studying relevant issues of modern education and the teacher's ability to socialize, teach, educate, and self-develop students in the educational process.

Zahro Ergasheva, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan

Associate Professor Zahro Ergasheva is a candidate for Technical Sciences and Associate Professor of the Department of Transport and Freight Systems at Tashkent State Transport University (TSTU), Uzbekistan. Zahro specializes in management analysis of freight and commercial operations in railway transportation. She has developed various programs for analyzing container transportation. Since 2016, she has authored more than 20 internationally peer-reviewed research papers and has also presented more than 30 papers at international conferences. All research is interdisciplinary in nature due to the combination of economics and management.

Khamid Yakupbaey, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan

Khamid Yakupbaev is a PhD student at Tashkent State Transport University (TSTU), Uzbekistan, specializing in the use of railway transportation. He has published more than five scientific articles and earned his Master's degree in 2023. His research aims to develop parameters of railway terminals in the context of organizing controller transportation.


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How to Cite

Mukhamedova, Z., Mukhamedova, D., Fuzailova, G., Ergasheva, Z., & Yakupbaey, K. (2024). A review of railway transportation in Central Asia for corridors and the revival of the Great Silk Road. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 11(4), 828–837. https://doi.org/10.15549/jeecar.v11i4.1700