Opportunities for Kazakhstan's agricultural exports to the Chinese market
agro-food sector of economy, agro-food products, agro exports, export potential, index of the revealed comparative advantage, international tradeAbstract
This research delves into the dynamic relationship between China and Kazakhstan in the realm of agri-food trade, exploring the evolving landscape from 2012 to 2022. China, as the world's second-largest economy, commands a significant share in global agri-food imports, presenting a lucrative opportunity for Kazakhstan. Notably, China represents about 8% of the world's agri-food imports and stands as Kazakhstan's largest trading partner. In 2021, China emerged as one of the top four largest buyers of Kazakh food. This demographic shift has implications for the evolving demand in China's agri-food market and offers an avenue for Kazakhstan to tap into this growing consumer base. Despite being one of Kazakhstan's major trading partners, the country currently holds a modest share of China's agri-food market. The Kazakh government, aligning with China's "Belt and Road" initiative, aspires to double agricultural exports by 2025. Our analysis underscores the growing demand in China's agri-food market and its potential for Kazakhstan. Challenges such as technical disparities, logistical limitations, and institutional constraints are identified, necessitating collaborative solutions. The conclusion emphasizes the need for concrete actions, including technological advancements, infrastructure improvement, and standards harmonization, to enhance Kazakhstan's competitiveness in the Chinese market.
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