An assessment of tourism competitiveness: A comparative analysis of Georgia and neighboring countries
Competitiveness report, tourism destination, tourism competitiveness, indicators, influence matrix, systematic literature reviewAbstract
Competitiveness is extensively explored across various disciplines, with tourism competitiveness emerging as a significant focus of research. This aspect is pivotal in current research, embodying a multi-dimensional construct that profoundly impacts the prosperity of destinations. This study has undertaken a systematic literature review to pinpoint indicators influencing destination competitiveness and conducted a statistical analysis to validate these findings. Centered on Georgia and contrasted with its neighboring countries, the analysis spans 12 years, from 2008 to 2020. The study's significance extends beyond its specific focus on Georgia, offering insights with broader relevance to destinations marked by competitive dynamics. The analysis has revealed that within a diverse array of opportunities, the most impactful areas for enhancing Georgia's competitive environment include "Business environment," "Human resources and labor market," and "ICT readiness."
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