Dr. Richard Brunet-Thornton - JEECAR’s Special Ambassador to the Czech Republic and The Visegrád Group
The JEECAR Editorial Team is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Richard Brunet-Thornton from University of Economics, Prague as Special Ambassador to the Czech Republic and the Visegrád Group.In this role, his mandate is to promote the Journal as a viable academic resource for both faculty and students, to augment readership of the Journal in this region, and to encourage manuscript submissions. For further information, please contact Dr. Brunet-Thornton at richard.brunet-thornton@vse.cz.
More to follow:
Odborný asistent CSc. / Ph.D. (Assistant Professor)
Katedra management (Department of Management)
RB 457
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
University of Economics, Prague
École des Hautes Études commerciales de Prague
nám?stí Winstona Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3 - Žižkov ?eská republika - Czech Republic