Dr. Mykola Megits about the Russian war and International Trade
It is the second month of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The war has prompted a rethinking of the global economy's structure, especially the potential food shortage. Enormous damage is already done to the world food supply chain. Ukraine, long considered Europe's "breadbasket," lately sells more than 40% of its wheat and corn to Africa and the Middle East, where fears of future food shortages and price hikes in some countries may cause hunger civil unrest. Soon, researchers will be analyzing and seeking answers if the Russian economy is ready and capable of paying the price for committed damage in Ukraine and if the world willing to challenge Russia to avoid spreading the world into countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia?
Dr. Megits discussed these and other topics with Mary Hanson, Executive Producer of the The Mary Hanson Show on the local Minnesota TV channel https://youtu.be/mw8GzvfHA9A.