The effectiveness of boards of directors in two-tier board system: Evidence from Vietnamese-listed enterprises


  • Quan Tran Academy of Finance
  • Dimitrios N. Koufopoulos Brunel Business School, Brunel University, Grate Brittan
  • Bernadette Warner Department of Management, American University in the Emirates



corporate governance, CEO turnover, firm performance, board composition, independent directors, duality, SOEs, and CEO ownership


This paper presents several theories to achieve a better understanding of corporate governance structures and their operations in a two-tier-board corporate governance structure. The author also analyses transitional economies using the case of Vietnam. The author investigates the influence of independent directors upon the probability of CEO turnover as well as the sensitivity of the link between performance and turnover. The findings show that non-executive directors are not always independent. At the same time, independent directors have a vital role to play in making decisions concerning CEO dismissal. These directors also reduce the effects of CEO ownership and CEO duality upon the probability of CEO turnover. In summation, the research found that performance and CEO age constitute key factors in CEO turnover, regardless of the corporation or board size.

Author Biographies

Quan Tran, Academy of Finance

Dr. Quan Tran is a supervisor at Postgraduate Department, Academy of Finance, Vietnam and a Deputy Head of Division, Corporate Finance Department, Ministry of Finance of Vietnam.

Dimitrios N. Koufopoulos, Brunel Business School, Brunel University, Grate Brittan

Dr. Dimitrios N. Koufopoulos is Senior Lecturer at Brunel Business School, Brunel University and Director of Research at Hellenic Observatory of Corporate Governance.

Bernadette Warner, Department of Management, American University in the Emirates

Dr. Bernadette Warner is Chair of Department of Management and International Projects Coordinator, COBA at American University in the Emirates (AUE).


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How to Cite

Tran, Q., Koufopoulos, D. N., & Warner, B. (2014). The effectiveness of boards of directors in two-tier board system: Evidence from Vietnamese-listed enterprises. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 1(1), 12.