Salesperson authenticity and gender-based perceptions: an international study


  • Dr. Michael Stros University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), Fernfachhochschule Schweiz, Brig
  • Dr. Timothy Heinze California State University
  • Dr. David ?íha University of Economics
  • Dr. Bodo Möslein-Tröppner Duale Hochschule Ravensburg
  • Dr. Elena ?íhová Skoda Auto University
  • Dr. Lynn L. K. Lim University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland



Sales, authenticity, gender, body language, spoken word


Mirroring the increasing percentage of women in the professional workforce, the number of females in sales has dramatically risen in recent years. The growth of gender diversity within the world of B-to-B buying and selling requires an examination of potential gender effects associated with interpersonal communications. The latter influences perceptions of authenticity, which in turn, influence sales effectiveness. The current study uses an international sample to review interpersonal communication drivers that are associated with buyer perceptions of salesperson authenticity. Gender differences associated with the processing of body language and the spoken word are particularly examined. Results indicate that, in high-involvement sales situations, female perceptions of salesperson authenticity are highly influenced by salesperson body language. Male perceptions, conversely, are more heavily influenced by the spoken word. Implications for sales training are provided.

Author Biographies

Dr. Timothy Heinze, California State University

Professor of Marketing, College of Business, California State University, Chico

Chico, California, USA


Dr. David ?íha, University of Economics

University of Economics, Faculty of Business Administration

Prague, Czech Republic

Dr. Bodo Möslein-Tröppner, Duale Hochschule Ravensburg

Duale Hochschule Ravensburg

Ravensburg, Germany

Dr. Elena ?íhová, Skoda Auto University

Skoda Auto University

Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic

Dr. Lynn L. K. Lim, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

Olten, Switzerland


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How to Cite

Stros, M., Heinze, T. ., ?íha, D. ., Möslein-Tröppner, B. ., ?íhová, E. ., & L. K. Lim, L. (2020). Salesperson authenticity and gender-based perceptions: an international study. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 7(1), 137–149.